Where's Dougie?
Marcy and I decided to put on a few races in 2021. It has turned out to be quite and undertaking! It has also been a walk down memory lane. I have had to go back through old pictures looking for shots to add to web pages, race forms, and on-line sign ups. It brings up the question, is running really a solo adventure? I always sort of leaned to a slightly self absorbed view that it was about me, but looking through pictures I just don't see many without loved ones or friends. Marcy got me started running a few years ago. We have been in sooooo many races together. I didn't realize it until looking through the pictures. We have crewed for each other on multiple ultra events and run a ton of races together. I have to say that if you make it through crewing for a cranky (me not Marcy) 100 mile runner you can stick with them through anything! I wouldn't trade any of the race experiences with her for anyt...