
Showing posts from June, 2016

Run Under the Stars AKA Savage redemption

     A year ago I decided to run the Run Under the Stars 10 hour race with Marcy and a group of runners from Cape Girardeau.  I was coming off a long series of multiple races every month and had a knee that was really starting to bother me.  In true Savage fashion I figured "why not?" and that "I can deal with anything for that long".  It didn't turn out so well and I quit at 33.5 miles and about half way.  This was my first DNF and I was in a very very very bad place.  I ended up being an extremely grouchy (my wife's opinion) crew man.  Since then I have been seeing that race in my dreams at night (for you Ray Stevens fans)!      This year was going to be different.  I have been training hard, feeling good, and on the 1 year mark of running on the ketogenic diet. I missed my 140 miles at the Aslinger 24 hour, but the weather just did not cooperate.  The savage was screaming to be let loose! I starting...

Boston Strong

     One month after completing the Aslinger 24 hour run it was time to go to Boston!  Time ticked away as I recovered from the 24 hour and tried to get a few weeks of last minute speed work in.  I managed a recovery week, a few good workout weeks, and the taper.  Marcy managed to get increasingly nervous about Boston, but it wouldn't be a race if Marcy wasn't fretting.  I didn't worry about anything...except the room. After some last minute excitement we finally got room confirmation and all was good.  Marcy and I joined the group, loaded the plane, and headed to Boston.      Boston was a lot of fun .  The people were great and we didn't have any bad experiences while there. We stayed close to the hospital and a homeless shelter, so it was a little colorful.  I am definitely a country boy, the sirens and horns would drive me crazy in short order. The group went to the expo and spent a l...